[Orion] RIT/XIT in Orion

John (KE5C) ke5c at hot.rr.com
Tue Jun 7 01:25:07 EDT 2005

> If you do that you better remember to assign Main RX to VFO B.  Otherwise you
are wasting the outstanding performance of the Main vs Sub receivers.

the only time i use the subreceiver during contesting is for diversity on 160.
otherwise both vfo's are always assigned to the main receiver.

> The beauty of the Pod is that you can assign both Main RX and TX to VFO A, use
the large Pod knob to tune Main RX instead of the tiny RIT/XIT knob and still
use the large VFO B knob to simultaneously tune Sub RX to other frequencies in
S&P mode (accepting the poorer Sub RX characteristics).

if you're in s&p mode on the a vfo and main receiver, you tune to a second s&p
frequency on the b vfo and subreceiver?  when during a contest would you do

73, john

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