[Orion] Orion Rcve

Barry N1EU n1eu at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 06:19:02 EST 2005

--- "R. Kevin Stover" <rkstover at mchsi.com> wrote:

> Pick yourself up off the floor Barry, 5 of the 6
> responses I got on my 
> posting were from guys who love the rig. ALL of them
> report the rig 
> locking up for various and sundry reasons. I don't
> think I've ever read 
> any post on this reflector claiming the bandscope
> works like it should, 
> or as advertised.
> No, I've never had the opportunity to sit in front
> of an Orion.
> I'm not going to spend that kind of money on the rig
> and HOPE I'm one of 
> the apparently, by reflector standards, few users
> out there that haven't 
> reported some sort of bug or failure mode on the
> rig.

Kevin, it sounds like you're looking for a certified
100% bug-free radio and this will keep you on the
Orion sidelines.  I consider its quirks relatively
minor compared to the performance and enjoyment I get
from the rig, and I've used it quite intensively over
the past 15 months under tough condx.  BTW, no lockups
here with latest firmware and I wouldn't even know
whether the bandscope works or not.

Barry N1EU

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