[Orion] Orion AF gain

Barry N1EU n1eu at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 11:46:48 EST 2005

--- Martin AA6E <msembx-aa6e at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Maybe I'm not typical, but the antenna/vfo matrix is
> not something I
> need to touch very often.  

Two reasons why it's important to have it readily
available in this class of radios.

1.  Lowband operation with one or more receive
antennas that need to be switched often.

2.  These dual rx rigs offer diversity reception and
vfo/antennas need to be switched often with diversity.
 Diversity reception is a significant advantage in
weak signal and contesting operation.

As a manufacturer, you're either going to adequately
support the 2nd receiver, or you're not.  Ten-Tec went
significantly further than Icom in this regard.

Barry N1EU

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