[Orion] 1.372 stability

Bob McCormick W1QA orion at w1qa.com
Sat Mar 12 12:33:56 EST 2005

Randolf / others:
> During the last days, i often read about loosing  
> control or the need to reset of the rig.
> I am using Orion for about one year, starting (i believe) 
> with 1.369  but only in the early days it was (seldom) 
> necessary to push off and on  the rig, to get the control 
> again. It only happened, while using the voice  memory. 
> The only -little- negative remark is,  the rig is for my
> ears a very little bit less sensitive for weak, fluttered 
> signals than my  ICOM. On the other hand, the selectivity 
> for weak signals between a couple  strong, nearby signals,
> is excellent. Best regards, 73, de Randolf, DL6KAI

I had a few minor problems with 1.371 during the recent
160 metre phone contest.  A few people suggested upgrading
to 1.372 which I did immediately prior to the ARRL DX SSB.
No problems at all throughout that contest or since ...

Bob W1QA

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