[Orion] Heresy

Joe Giacobello k2xx at swva.net
Tue Mar 29 11:23:53 EST 2005

One other thing I should have mentioned in the previous reply is that my 
Orion may not be working properly.  Ever since I've upgraded to v. 
1.372, the rig has been behaving erratically.  I often find myself 
losing received audio.  It's quite apparent when operating PSK31 because 
the drop-off is visible on the spectrum display.  It has happened many 
times.  Off/On usually restores normal audio.

I also have had problems with the display.  On two occasions recently 
after the rig has been shut down for several days or more, the display 
was empty.  There was a raster (the screen was lit), but there were no 
characters.  The first time this happened, I did a master reset and the 
screen returned to normal.  On a second occasion, I did multiple master 
resets without success.  I then decided to let he rig just sit with the 
power on for several hours, and the characters finally appeared.  I have 
also noticed that the characters fade when I'm keying in CW, but I'm 
confident that it's not an RFI problem.  Someone said that Paul at 
TenTec service recommended grounding the negative terminal of Astron and 
similar supplies to the chassis.  (I am using an RS-70 here for both the 
Orion and MP.)  Yaesu has suggested the same remedy for chirpy CW notes 
on the MP.  (They also recommend a 0.01 uF capacitor across the 
terminals and soldering the connections to the fuse holder in the power 
cable.)  I haven't gotten around to checking out that recommendation, 
but things had been OK for a year without any mods to the power supply.

73, Joe

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