[Orion] Heresy

Henrik Weiss oz1ing at mail.dk
Wed Mar 30 11:12:45 EST 2005

I have had my Orion for about 2 weeks now and have experimented a lot
with settings under different situations. The rig has been doing a
number of turns on me like;

1. Receiver disappearing.
2. Sweep freezing up.
3. NR on/off and adjustment does not respond to operator selection.
4. Hardware NB is not performing at all. When on in menu (and even off
at front panel) it induces distortion or noise of some sort to the

I have been able to just switch the Orion on/off to cure point 1, 2 and
3. Point 4 is persistent at all times.

I write it of to software hick up that I am sure Tentec will address at
some point.

On the positive side, I have never had such a nice performing rig - and
my Inrad filters are still in the mail.


-----Original Message-----
From: orion-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:orion-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Gary Tuck
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:34 PM
To: k2xx at swva.net
Cc: Orion @contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Orion] Heresy

I've found 1.372 generally less predictable than 1.371.  I've installed 
1.372 about three times  because I liked the new RF gain control and 
improvements in QSK but every time have returned to 1.371 because of: 
1) lost audio; 2) AGC not change even though the display had, e.g., AGC 
might be on PROG but display shows OFF; 3) NR circuit, like AGC, not 
change state even though the display showed that it had; 4) seems 
noisier than 1.371.

Hope the next firmware update smooths out these glitches.

Gary W7TEA

On Mar 29, 2005, at 8:23 AM, Joe Giacobello wrote:

> One other thing I should have mentioned in the previous reply is that
> my
> Orion may not be working properly.  Ever since I've upgraded to v.
> 1.372, the rig has been behaving erratically.  I often find myself
> losing received audio.  It's quite apparent when operating PSK31 
> because
> the drop-off is visible on the spectrum display.  It has happened many
> times.  Off/On usually restores normal audio.
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