[Orion] Orion Ver. 1.372

N0KHQ@aol.com N0KHQ at aol.com
Wed Mar 30 13:34:17 EST 2005

Hello Group,
My experience with programmable direct digital control systems has taught  me 
one thing to remember before loading new software into a control device. And  
that is to clear out the previous programming before installing the new  
Anytime you receive a rig from a manufacturer, you should do a Master  Reset.
Before loading new software into the Orion perform a "Ram Clear", then a  
"Master Reset" and finally, load the new software, then do another "Master  
I sit here and read the different observations (issues) from other  Orion 
owners and I just shake my head in disbelief.
There is one feature that you want to avoid using for now and that is the  
"Sweep". Using the Sweep interferes with other Orion features. TT is working on  
this issue. I only use the Sweep to find out what is going on, on the band, 
then  I turn it off.
One other issue that will cause erratic behavior of the Orion is stay RF.  If 
you have ANY stray RF present the Orion will find it and all  kinds improper 
operation WILL occur.
If the Orion is not getting 13.8 VDC under load, issues could pop up.  So set 
your power supply up to deliver the maximum VDC allowed to the Orion, 15  VDC 
under idle operation. Then when you put the Orion under a load the voltage  
will drop down to 13.8 - VDC. The manual says the Orion will operate at  12.8 
VDC, I don't take any chances my power supply is set up to deliver 14.8 VDC  
during idle. Then when I key the transmitter the voltage drops down to 13.4  VDC.
I don't have any problems with my Orion other than the Sweep issue and the  
transmit audio monitor volume settings. Neither of which interferes with my  
operating style which is 100% SSB.
The NB, NR, Notch, AN and receiver/s work perfectly and have never  failed. 
But, I have taken some extraordinary measures to insure  that there are no 
The Orion, although not 100% bullet proof, is still the best rig on the  
market today. And that's a fact!
Until next time..........  


John / N0KHQ / St.  Louis

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