[Orion] A couple of questions

Lawrence Stoskopf stoskopf at tri.net
Wed Mar 30 16:06:59 EST 2005

I have one of the early Orions.  Had a few problems getting it to work with 
WriteLog, Acom amp and the SteppIR.  They wouldn't talk.  Finally upgraded 
to 1.372.  Bang.  Everyone was happy.  Worked a few hours of the ARRL DX 
running up and down the bands and changing bands with only the loud thunk 
from the Acom telling me that it had retuned. 

Only problem is that I do mostly S&P and when I say "N0UU", most replies are 
"0UU, I need  your prefix".  So started to thump my pop can before each call 
waking the VOX up and saying my call.  Works great, but who wants to?  I 
have the amp keyed on line one.  And as I recall, I changed the delay trying 
to work CW one time and probably messed the timing up.  Anyone have setting 
for this combo? 

And on CW, still have the dreaded "Arc Fault".  What is the latest fix? 

And of course, when I went back up to my contest shack for the CQ WPX, 
turned on the equipment and the computer.  They forgot how to talk to each 
other again!  Didn't do a reset as I wanted to DX. 

Great rig, worked 15 only and never put the BW below 2.5 KHz as sigs just 
came thru the clutter. 



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