[Orion] First issue V1.372 software

Charlie, W0YG w0yg at myawai.com
Thu Mar 31 08:25:10 EST 2005

I have gotten into the habit of touching something grounded before turning 
on my Orion.  In Colorado the static buildup due to low humidity and carpets 
can be shocking, not to mention surprising.  Anyhow, I touched the system 
ground in the shack that runs behind my 565AT, then turned on the Orion. 
All seemed well as it was on 14.085 RTTY.  I changed bands to 160M and the 
frequency came up 0.000!  Nothing I could do would change that frequency.  I 
quickly did an A/B switch push and the contents of VFO B now became a 20M 
reading on VFO A.  Again selecting 160M the frequency went to 0.000! 
Nothing I could do would change band or frequency.  So, I turned off the rig 
and turned it back on.  Still 0.000!  I did a hard reset but told it to 
remember all my user inputs.  I got the same symptoms after turning on the 
rig again, display reads 20M frequency, select 160M and 0.000!

The key was a hard reset followed by clearing out everything in memory.  I 
had to re-input all my user settings but at least the Orion is back on 
track.  No sparks, no ESD no nothing to cause this problem.

Anyone else seen this happening?


Charlie, W0YG..>> 

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