[Orion] AV? (Re: Screen Saver)

Mike Cheponis mac at Wireless.Com
Wed Jan 25 14:46:26 EST 2006

Well, I'm not quite so sure; I think there is a failure mode in these "super-twist" panels where the crystals can assume rotation in a semi- if not permanent way.  But I'm not a display expert.

Perhaps TT could contact the vendor of the panel and check?

ALSO, I find it astonishing in a rig this stunning that the the User's Manual is not built-in, for instant recall to the screen.  Sure, I've read the manual and understand how to use most things, but things that I use infrequently, it sure would be helpful seeing how to do it in Text, Pictures, and Sound - that is, a little AV presentation of each feature would be very nice.
(Memory is cheap these days, so I don't see that as a problem.)

Thanks -Mike K3MC

On Sun, 22 Jan 2006, Roy Koeppe wrote:

> Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:14:16 -0600
> From: Roy Koeppe <royanjoy at ncn.net>
> To: Orion at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Orion] Screen Saver
> "Hi,
> Is there a "screen saver" function for the O2?  I leave mine on for long
> periods of time, and I don't want the main screen to burn into the LCD.
> Or am I needlessly worrying?"
> Thanks -Mike K3MC
> Mike,
> Everything I've heard about LCD panels is that they don't burn and don't
> 'wear out'. How about the rear illumination lamp's life though?
> 73,    Roy     K6XK          Iowa
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