[Orion] new AGC system

Ulrich Hilsinger dh0ghu at dh0ghu.de
Mon Sep 11 13:44:36 EDT 2006

I'll just to try to find an easy explanation:
Most equipment manufacturers never managed to develop an AGC which 
delivered near-to-steady-state output from a (low, near to MDS if 
wanted...) threshold level up to highest signal levels.
So customers are missing this "feature" from other equipments at 
equipments such as the ORION, which do not have this "bug".

However - if this "featured" "bug" can be switched off, everything 
remains fine for us which are not missleaded by bad AGCs of competitors ;)

By the way: With the exception of a friend's homebrewn 144 MHz SSB/CW 
transceiver (a real DX/contest machine...), I've never seen any other 
receiver that behaved so well over a large input signal level range as 
the ORION. Congrats TenTec, well done.

Ulrich, DH0GHU

>>The includes a new AGC slope feature that provides a varying audio level
> Why???  One of the nicest things about the Orion was not having to adjust
> audio levels every time I dialed across a new station.  I used an IC-7800 in
> the NA Sprint on Saturday evening, and I really missed the "level" audio of
> the Orion - now that's going away?  For whatever reason???

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