[Orion] Fw: 2059d firmware

Ken Cressman kcressman at iw.net
Mon Sep 18 16:41:00 EDT 2006

Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: 2059d firmware

 Gary    firmware development.

Receive copy on 80 meters with 2.059d weak signals and qrn static crashs is unuseable, 2.057pulls out s6 s7 signals with qrn at s6 to s9 plus 20 with readability 4 but on 2059d all i get is,static  have tried multiple settings of decay , rf gain nb nr threshold  hang,  agc slope 1.372 also does a good job of pulling out weak signals in qrn on 80 meters.   
Everything except the ability to pull weak signals out of static is good on the 2.059d firmware.the transmitted audio is much better on 2059d than 2057, the changes in 2059d are good except for weak signal with qrn static crash noise. The copy of  strong signals seems to be ok except for distortion with over s9 +40 signals.

On your site the change was supposed to be to a slow attack to avoid hang problems with noise, I never noticed that before., but 2059d is overwhelmed by static with the change in agc, the agc seems to boost the qrn not weaker signals, the result being that no change in settings makes it useable for ssb weak signal dx work on 75 meters.

Could we have variable agc attack added to firmware?   I'm only guessing but perhaps that is the solution.  I greatly enjoy my Orion 565, , it just keeps getting better.   73 good luck fixing this  "  Major " receive problem in the 2059d firmware.    D ue to the poor transmitted audio on 2.057 I have gone to 1.373b5 which seems to work well , good audio,good receive, effective nr and nb. Note: I have only the mic shield on ground pin 2,mic hot lead on pin 1 of the connector , no ptt line , removed it from hc5 heil bm 10 bm mic headset and adapter cable from heil. 73  ken  kb7up

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