[Orion] V2.059d Vs. v1.373b5 Noise Reduction Code + My experiences with 1.373b5

Ken Cressman kcressman at iw.net
Wed Sep 20 19:00:47 EDT 2006

Joe , Lt column pg 46 last sentence and 1st paragraph Rt column pg 46 feb 
2005 Orion 565 manual  revision 3 , bandpass filter quote. About 1375b5 much 
superior for weak signal ssb 75 meters, 2059d unuseable with or without agc 
unless signals near or above noise level.. I generally use 5 db/s decay, 
threshold .4 uv hang 0 , 2.4 filter ,rx eq -10 (varies with station) plenty 
of volume no distortion . Sometimes i use NB 2 or 3 H , sometimes not..RF 
Gain varies from 100 to as low as 50 depending on signal noise etc.  The 
2059d distorts badly with signals near noise level or below, signals above 
noise are readable but volume is very low even with main af at max.  On 
1375b rarely does the main af go above half scale on headphones. Another 
thing to try is an outboard audio adaptive dsp unit, it really helps at 
times. Hopefully 2059d will be fixed soon 73 ken kb7up 

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