[Orion] CW SIdetone level - Orion II

Pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Sun Feb 4 23:23:05 EST 2007

I would like someone to give me a second check on
the CW sidetone on the OII.

I have some SONY MDR V6 phones and the cw sidetone is very
marginal. Regular RX audio is fine .The SSB monitor level
is far higher than the original Orion and is very usable.

With both left and right phones set to MAIN , LCW 400 hz
and S.TONE set wide open at 100 , I only get 60 mv open
circuit sidetone level . This is RMS at either tip or
ring to ground. Regular RX audio will go well over
1000 mv open circuit easily before clipping.

Measurements were using a FLuke 179 RMS voltmeter.

The MDR V6 are 63 ohms at 1 khz ,  106 db/mw spl.
I measure Orion II headphone amplifier source impedance
at around 3 ohms +/- 0.5 ohms.

These phones were fine with the Orion 565 both sidetone
and regular audio.

I was considering getting a Heil Proset but was told these
are 600 ohm phones so unless they are  higher
senstivity I would think CW sidetone would be even lower.

 73 de Hank K7HP

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