[Orion] Orion going to sleep

James C. Garland 4cx250b at muohio.edu
Wed Feb 21 08:40:14 EST 2007

I've also experienced odd Orion I behavior recently, even after 
installing 2.059 firmware. Occasionally, the radio wouldn''t seem to 
hear any signals, even though I tuned across an active band. A little 
investigation revealed that the VFO wasn't changing frequency (so 
that the receiver stayed on the same frequency) even though the 
display changed normally. If no stations were on that frequency, then 
the band sounded dead.

A second recont problem is that the bandwidth on the sub-receiver 
would stay locked on a wide setting, and the BW control wouldn't have 
any effect.

Cycling the power cured both problems.

Jim W8ZR

James C. Garland
102 Spur Ranch Road
Santa Fe, NM 87540

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