[Orion] ORION 1 questions : 1° Main-RX 500Hz & 250Hz Roofingfilter mods 2° Sub-RX Roofingfilter

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 11:16:12 EDT 2007

Oops, must have missed Inrad actually introducing the Orion subrx
roofing filter.  Yes Pierre, this must have happened due to Bill's

The roofing filter should be helpful but my only hesitation on
spending the $125 is that I haven't seen test data on how much of the
Orion subrx poor off-channel rejection is due to the wide 45Mhz filter
and how much is due to the wide 455Khz filter.

Barry N1EU

On 7/7/07, Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> N1EU:
>  >2. Can you provide more information on who is selling
> the subrx filter?  I've never seen mention of this before.
>          Barry I know we have discussed this before,
> but you must have forgotten.
> Bandwidth:5 kHz typical
> Insertion loss: 5 dB typical
> Case:Shown below
> Temperature range:0 to 50 degrees C.
> Input/Output match:50 Ohms
> Operating level:0 dBm maximum
> Isolation:-60 dB typical
> Price:$125
> Orion and Orion II use the 45.000 MHz version.
> http://www.qth.com/inrad/vhf-filters.htm
>                                  73,  Bill W4ZV

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