[Orion] Orion/Flex

Skip K3CC k3cc at verizon.net
Mon Mar 19 12:06:02 EST 2007

Tnx fer the input on the PTT problem for the Orion I.  My Orion sat fer 
about 2 years because it didn't work and I had many problem with it.  It 
didn't work out of the box.  I had 6 Hams that were contesters with me when 
the box came.  I'm disabled and couldn't carry it so helped.  The knobs 
where off laying in the box, the screen was blank/white.

It wasn't until I loaded the latest ver of firmware that it worked.  Almost 
bullet proof fer abt a year now having problems agn.  My son lives in Lenore 
City, TN which isn't far from TT.  I would consider a trade up for the II 
but it still seems problematic and unstable.

I tried to sell my Orion I but no takers at $2,900 w/ all filters,POD, AT 
built in and Heil Mic.  A big loss for me on a fixed income.

I was also told it was open architecture firmware like the Flex.

The Flex radio seems like  a neat toy.

When the Orion works it's ok I don't see it as great contest radio.  I can't 
see how it gets such high reviews when it's as unstable as it is.   Having 
to reboot it during a contest even once is too much.

Ok, I vented my frustrations and caused lots of discontent.  I guess I'm the 
only one that has these problem so I guess it's just my radio.

73  tnx   de Skip  K3CC 

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