[OZ-CONTEST] Vs: Welcome to ES OPEN 2001!
Peter Vestergaard
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:08:58 +0200
Hej contestere
Hermed en invitation til ES- contesten 21 April 2001.
Good luck
Peter, OZ5WQ
----- Original Message -----
From: Tõnno Vähk <tonno.vahk@lhv.ee>
To: <ura@andorra.ad>; <oevsv@oevsv.at>; <oe3reb@oevsv.at>; <oevsv@asterix.nt.tuwien.ac.at>; <EU1SA@belsonet.net>; <n7pc@euronet.be>; <on7tk-on7lx@village.uunet.be>; <gaston.bertels@innet.be>; <john.devoldere@pandora.be>; <jacques.verleijen@advalvas.be>; <secretary@bfra.org>; <president@bfra.org>; <lz1zq@yahoo.com>; <bfra@dir.bg>; <lz2mp@npp.cit.bg>; <hrs@hztk.tel.hr>; <hrs@agram.com>; <crklub@mbox.vol.cz>; <milos@testcom.cz>; <milos@mailserv.testcom.cz>; <OL5Y@contesting.com>; <hb@edr.dk>; <oz5dx@edr.dk>; <kontor@edr.dk>; <oz5wq@contesting.com>; <fh@ats.dk>; <oz1jsh@roemming.dk>; <saja@post.olivant.fo>; <hq@sral.fi>; <oh2bu@sral.fi>; <oh3rm@sral.fi>; <oh2rf@sral.fi>; <oh3ww@sral.fi>; <seppo@me.tut.fi>; <oh8rc@sral.fi>; <oh6ei@sral.fi>; <oh1noa@qsl.net>; <oh1jt@kolumbus.fi>; <
Cc: <hobi.erau@lists.ut.ee>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 PM
Subject: Welcome to ES OPEN 2001!
> Hallo contesters,
> Estonian hams invite you to participate in Estonian Open HF Championships
> 2001. ES OPEN is an exiting small contest that lasts for 4 hours on Saturday
> morning. It takes place on April 21st 05.00 - 08.59 UTC.
> Due to it's peculiar and original 60 minute rule there has not been a good
> logging program available for it and that factor has probably limited the
> number of participants. Now there is a freeware program that is written by
> specially for ES OPEN. It's called ES OPEN Logger. Version 1.0 can be
> downloaded from ES7GN web site at http://www.qsl.net/es7gn/Binal/esopen.zip.
> So
> far it does not support CW sending yet but does all the logging and other
> processes needed. We encourage you to try it out and take part in the
> contest where you can probably work all Estonian prefixes (10 of them
> including HQ ES9) and gain special and beautiful trophies from ERAU awarded
> to the best participants in the international sections (separate classes for
> mixed, SSB and CW, QRP, MULTI and SWL). It is also a great opportunity to
> fulfil the requirements for Estonia Award: http://www.erau.ee/eng/award.html
> Official rules of the contest and the results from previous years can be
> found from ERAU web site: http://www.erau.ee and also from popular contest
> calendars, e.g. SM3CER Contest Service at http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/
> Contest takes place simultaneously on 80 and 40 meters. There are usually
> about 60 ES stations in the air and theoretically you can work each station
> 8 times: 4 times on 80 and 4 times on 40 meters. Time difference between
> QSOs with the same station on a specific band has to be at least 60 minutes.
> ES stations can work everybody and foreign stations can work only ES
> stations.
> Each CW QSO gives 2 points and SSB QSO 1 point. Multipliers are ES region
> prefixes (ES1 - ES0) on each band, thus maximum 20. Report is RS(T) plus
> serial number starting 001 (continuous, not separate per band).
> Logs should be sent to Toomas Soomets, ES5RY, P.O. BOX 177, TARTU 50002,
> ESTONIA or via e-mail(preferred)to esopen@erau.ee
> Even if you write QSOs on paper during the contest ES OPEN Logger will
> easily prepare a correct electronic log for you.
> There is also a special site created by ES7AGW for submitting unofficial
> scores after the contest: http://www.matti.ee/~es7club/esopen/esopen.php,
> so you can let others know of your result.
> There might be very interesting conditions at that time of the day,
> especially on 40m. So we hope for southern European stations also to show
> up. Last year we had participants even from North America and New Zealand:)
> Look forward to meeting you in ES OPEN and other contests!
> 73s Tonno Vahk, ES5TV
> ERAU HF Manager
> ES5TV@erau.ee
> tel. +372 51 59 019
> p.s. Please forward this message to other contesters in your country, to the
> general mailing list if possible or let me know if there are some persons I
> should definitely send this information. TNX ALOT.
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