Thomas - OZ1AA
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 21:57:23 +0200
Lige et par ord mere om CQWW SSB contesten den 27-28 oktober - den største
SSB contest af dem alle :-)
Jeg bliver selv igen QRV fra OZ7YY i SOAB HP klassen. Forhåbentlig er der
også andre, der har planer om at deltage?
Reglerne kan læses her: http://cqww.com/2001rules.htm
Announced Operations findes her: http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2001.html
- specielt interessant er selvfølgelig XP1AB-ekspeditionen! Det lyder som et
stort og spændende projekt - jeg ser frem til at få OX/Zone 40 på rigtig
mange bånd :) Held og lykke deroppefra!
Rekordlisten for OZ ser sådan ud:
Cat. Call Score QSO's Zones DXCC Year
ALL OZ5KF 3,186,303 3174 109 272 78
28 OZ3SK 448,500 1239 34 96 69
21 OZ1INN 238,274 853 27 82 93
14 OZ7X (OZ5KF) 885,066 2043 38 144 96
7 OZ4MD 204,753 755 30 101 90
3.7 OZ4MD 89,870 792 17 69 86
1.8 OZ3SK 47,590 816 9 55 00
LA OZ1LTB 515,862 860 73 173 92
L28 OZ8AE 221,964 609 35 124 00
L21 OZ1INN 135,810 586 23 67 92
L14 OZ1KRF 68,470 410 21 61 93
L7 OZ3ZK 15,330 66 7 30 99
L3.7 OZ2ZZZ 19,380 300 9 48 97
L1.8 OZ3SK 32,178 507 10 56 92
QA OZ1GRS 62,272 351 31 108 89
Q28 OZ8XW 1,612 21 11 15 81
Q14 OZ3PE 8,784 158 8 40 89
AA OZ1FAO 88,068 222 46 110 99
A28 OZ1ADL 62,865 211 25 102 93
A21 OZ1ADL 4,845 55 18 39 94
MS OZ5W 4,256,845 3449 136 519 97
MM OZ9EDR 10,157,720 7308 151 459 88
Jeg håber at kunne slå OZ5KF's All band rekord tilbage fra 78! Tillykke til
3SK og 8AE for de nye rekorder på 160 og 10 meter sidste år.
Også godt at se de gode rapporter fra Oceania DX-contesten fra 5DX og 8SW.
Forholdene tegner jo godt for CQWW, men ifølge W3ASK er der risiko for
at vi bliver udsat for et soludbrud ligesom sidste år :-(
Fra http://news.cq-amateur-radio.com/news.htm
>There is a high probability of a geomagnetic storm during both the SSB and
>CW weekends of the CQ World Wide DX Contest, according to CQ magazine
>Propagation Editor George Jacobs, W3ASK. Jacobs says the severe geomagnetic
>storm that disrupted HF communications between October 1 and 4 could cause
>additional disruptions during the last weekends of October (the SSB
>and November (the CW contest). The storm was caused by eruptions on the sun
>that sent streams of solar particles toward the Earth. The sun rotates once
>every 27 days and conditions tend to repeat as active regions again face
>the Earth.
>In his column for the December issue of CQ, which will reach most readers
>before the CW weekend, Jacobs says, "The dates October 1 and 2 fall one
>solar 27-day recurrence cycle before the CQ WW DX SSB Contest weekend of
>October 28–29, and two cycles prior to the CW contest weekend. The solar
>recurrence tendency would indicate a high probability for a radio storm to
>occur during the SSB contest weekend ... The conditions observed during the
>SSB weekend will likely recur 27 days later during the CW weekend."
>For up-to-date reports as the contest weekends approach, check W3ASK’s
>website at for links to more than a dozen sources of current and often
>real-time solar, geomagnetic, and ionospheric data.
På samme side kan man også læse følgende:
>Due to security concerns, CQ Communications Inc. is asking all participants
>CQ-sponsored amateur radio contests to submit their logs electronically.
>logs for the CQ World Wide DX Contest, the CQ WPX Contest, the CQ World
>160-Meter Contest, the CQ World Wide VHF Contest and the CQ/RTTY Journal
>contests should be submitted via e-mail per instructions in the rules for
>contest. For additional information, see the "Announcements" section of the
På genhør i contesten!
Vy 73 de OZ1AA, Thomas
FAQ on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/oz-contest-faq.html
Submissions: oz-contest@contesting.com
Administrative requests: oz-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-oz-contest@contesting.com