[OZ-CONTEST] Fw: BOUNCE oz-contest@contesting.com : Non-member submission from ["Nils Bo Hermansen" <oz1eta@tiscali.dk>]

Thomas - OZ1AA oz1aa@qsl.net
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:17:25 +0100

approved oz1aa
Message-ID: <001e01c1bb0e$3e8abae0$9020edd5@bg.codan.dk>
From: "Nils Bo Hermansen" <oz1eta@tiscali.dk>
To: "oz contest (oz contest)" <oz-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: ARRL DX CW - OZ0Q M/S.
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:30:39 +0100

Hermed resultatet af weekendens arbejde.
Jeg synes vi gjorde det flot med de muligheder vi har.
Velkommen til OZ2KL på contest CW og tak til OZ5AAH for at køre de
mange q's.
Forholdene var ganske gode. Måske fik vi ikke nok på 160-80-40, men så er
noget at gå efter næste år.

Nils Bo

                              ARRL DX CW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 16-Feb-02, 17-Feb-02

    Callsign Used : OZ0Q
        Operators : OZ5AAH OZ2KL OZ1ETA

         Category : Multi Single

 Default Exchange : 599 500

             Name : EDR Koege
          Address : P.O. BOX 63
   City/State/Zip : DK-4600 Koege
          Country : Denmark

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

  160CW        1           1          3       1
   80CW       60          59        177      16
   40CW      148         145        435      31
   20CW      352         352       1053      48
   15CW      285         283        840      43
   10CW      164         164        489      39

 Totals     1010        1004       2997     178

    Final Score =3D 533.466 points.

Comments :
Great contest. We had a lot of fun.
Ben OZ5AAH came down and work 8 hours saturday and sunday.
CW rookie Ken OZ2KL worked his first hours in a CW contest.
I am sure this wasn't the last one.
The guys did a great job. I had to drop out sunday
and leave for home.
Thanks to our supportteam OZ2JBR OZ4WT OZ1KCO.
The condx was great and we enjoy the runs that hit us when you guys gave
us a spot.
Thanks for the q's to all of you.

We will be back next year.

TS-850s + amp.
160  dipole
80-40 vertical GP + dipole
20-15-10 TH-3

QSL via buro or QRZ.COM

73 de OZ1ETA


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Submissions:              oz-contest@contesting.com
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