oz3zw oz3zw@mknet.dk
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:56:04 +0200

Contest rules "new"  SAC.
I find it very interesting with 160 meter. Good idea.
I think its a bad idea mixing CW/SSB in one week. I prefer one mode per =
Make a singleband category for DX.
Abouth the idea with Scandinavians work each other and Scandinavians =
multiplier, I think thats a very bad idea because we might se DX,er =
arround the world loosing there interest in try too work Scandinavians =
there use very much time "hunting" Scandinavians multiplier.!!!
Remember this contest is maybee the only one where the rest of the world =
is calling us.=20

Faulty qso =3D loosing points. (The only way we learn to do it right.).
Electronic log is ok with mee. But please use the same electronic log as =
other contest.
Allowing packet?!.  I cant see how we can avoid it.!!
This is what I have too say abouth maybee new rules in SAC contest.

Vy 73 de OZ3ZW.  (OZ0XX )  Torben Andersen.

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