[OZ-CONTEST] The 1st East Asia 160/80m DX contest
Ragnar Otterstad
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 19:02:55 +0100
HNY to all top banders!
The new low band contest will be coming next weekend replacing
the JIDX LF CW contest which is combined into one JIDX(Japan
International DX) CW contest in April.
The new contest is organized by FIVE-NINE Magazine as before.
Please see the rule below, totally differs from the JIDX.
We hope many of you will enjoy the new contest.
73, Watt JA0DAI (also WR3W)
The 1st East Asia 160/80m DX contest
CW (only):2003: January 11 0900UTC - January 12 2200UTC
(2004: January 10 0900UTC- January 11 2200UTC)
(Second weekend of January: Saturday 0900UTC- Sunday 2200UTC)
1. Objective
For the amateurs out of the East Asia to contact the East Asia
(CQ Zone 19 portion of UA0, Zone25 + JD1/Ogasawara) amateurs
on the low band (80 and 160m) CW.
2. Bands and mode
80 and 160m bands CW only.
3. Type of competition (choose one)
Single operator category only. No multi operator category for the
competition. No output power categories. All of the operation, logging
and other contest related actions are performed by one person.
Only one transit signal is allowed at any one time.
a. Single operator Multi band
More than one receiver can be used at same time.
Quick QSY between the bands is allowed, however, alternate CQing on
two bands by logging software is forbidden.
Any of information on Internet can be used.
Passive (self-spotting not allowed) use of DX spotting nets is allowed.
Verbal information exchange of VHF/UHF net is allowed.
b. Single operator Single band (160m or 80m)
Requesting QSY on the other band is not allowed.
Any of information on Internet can be used.
Passive (self-spotting not allowed) use of DX spotting nets is allowed.
Verbal information exchange of VHF/UHF net is allowed.
c. Single operator Conservative
This is a restricted single operator category. Multi band category only.
Only one transceiver, or one set of transmitter/receiver can be used.
More than one receiver, or dual-watch function is not allowed to use.
The operator has to be the licensee of the station. No guest operator
is allowed. Club station (license) is not allowed to use for this category.
Propagation forecast information by broadcast, i.e. WWV/WWVH is allowed,
but on the Internet information is not allowed to refer.
Any of information exchange, either Internet, DX spotting or verbal
communication on VHF/UHF, is not allowed.
The entrants of this category shall take an oath of the operating
conditions described above.
The entrants will be treated as non-Conservative one upon any of objection.
Refutation against the objection shall be done by the said entrant with
concrete evidence.
4. Number exchange
RST + CQ Zone number.
5. Multiplier
For East Asia entrants:
A multiplier of one (1) for each different DXCC country and CQ Zone
contacted on each band.
Maritime mobile stations count only for a zone multiplier.
For DX (not East Asia) entrants:
A multiplier of one(1) for each different East Asia Region, listed below,
contacted on each band.
East Asia Regions:
UA0 (Zone 19)
HL1, HL2, HL3, HL4, HL5, HL0
JA1 (incl. 7K1-7N4 prefix), JA2, JA3, JA4, JA5, JA6, JA7, JA8, JA9, JA0,
JR6/Okinawa (incl. JR6AA-NZ, JR6QUA-ZZZ, JS6, 7J6CAA-CZZ:
JR6AAA-QQZ count as JA6)
JD1/Ogasawara (JD1/Minami Tori Shima is not included in East Asia)
Total 20
6. Points
For East Asia entrants:
Contacts with stations in Asia (except East Asia) on 80m are
worth One (1) point.
Contacts with stations in Asia (except East Asia) on 160m are
worth Three (3) points.
Contacts with stations in Europe, Oceania or North America on 80m are
worth Three (3) points.
Contacts with stations in Europe, Oceania or North America on 160m are
worth Nine (9) points.
Contacts with stations in Africa or South America on 80m are
worth Six (6) points.
Contacts with stations in Africa or South America on 160m are
worth eighteen (18) points.
For DX entrants:
Contacts with stations in East Asia on 80m are
worth Ten (10) points.
Contacts with stations in East Asia on 160m are
worth Thirty (30) points.
Contacts with maritime mobile (/MM) stations are permitted for multiplier
credit but have zero (0) point value.
7. Scoring
The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the
sum of multipliers.
8. Awards
For East Asia entrants:
Entrants with excellent scores in each Region may be awarded;
Minimum one third of the score of the country winner is required.
For DX entrants:
Entrants with excellent scores in each CQ Zone may be awarded;
Minimum one third of the score of the continental winner is required.
9. Trophies
Winner of each category may be awarded the trophies.
10. Log instructions
a. All times must be in UTC
b. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged
c. Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points
and multipliers.
d. Submit your electronic log in the Cabrillo format created by all
major logging programs as an attachment of an e-mail. Be sure to put
the STATION CALLSIGN and the CATEGORY (single band [80 or 160m],
all band or all band Conservative) in the Subject: line of each
Submit your log to ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp
11. Deadline
All entries must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2003.
e-mail submission should be sent to ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp.
12. URL for reference: http://tamo.dip.jp
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