[OZ-CONTEST] 60 år WAE contest/ certifikat

Peter Vestergaard pete at vestergaard.mail.dk
Thu Aug 7 04:05:04 EDT 2008

Her er lidt for de mere tålmodige til at få august til at gå med.
Den sædvanlig WAE CW contest finder sted 9-10 aug. 2008.
Contesten indeholder, udover de sædvanlige 599 + serie nr. også QTC'er, 
hvilket jeg synes er en god ting, da man her skal holde øerne stive når 
disse QTC'er kommer.
Modparten, og det er DX stationerne,  spørger normalt om man vil modtage 
QTC'er, kan man sige fra på det tidspunkt, men pointmæsssigt er det en 
kolosal fordel at modtage alle de QTC'er man bliver tilbudt.
Man skal lige være opmærksom på at et QTC sendes med samme speed som 
QSO'en iøvrigt, hvilket kan være overraskende.
Der er virkelig fart på kommunikatioen i den contest.
Det er en god ting at afprøve sit logprogram og håndtering af et QTC  
inden contesten.

Jeg formoder at, der ikke indgår QTC'er i WAE 60 Maraton, men det er 
almindelige QSO'er, som når man jagter certifikatet.

Følgende hentet på <http://www.darc.de/>
Generelt om WAE kan ses på <www.dxhf.darc.de>

73 Peter OZ5WQ
Happy Birthday - WAE !

WAE 60 Marathon, WAE 60 Award

WAE - Milestones

1948 The legendary DXer DL7AA developed his first concept for WAE
Aug. 26, 1948  W2IOP receives the 1st WAE Award, produced and issued 
through the Körner-Verlag (DL1CU). DL7AA becomes the first award manager
April 1, 1951  As a result of the merger between the magazines "CQ" und 
"QRV", the DL-QTC published the revised WAE as an award from the DARC e. V.
2008 Through today, 14,000 awards in the different classes and modes 
have been issued throughout the world.

We are celebrating 60 years of WAE - celebrate with us!

"Zeitgeist" and technological advances have not gone by the Amateur 
Radio hobby without a trace. Continuity and an interesting concept have 
kept the interest going in the WAE award program. The award rules have 
been very carefully adapted over all those years, and the unchanged 
design of the WAE since its first edition still enjoys great popularity.
The changes to the WAE country list closely reflect the political and 
social changes that occurred over these decades. But other things have 
changed. From Computers to mobile phones and the Internet, as well as 
aspects of amateur radio with the help of modern technical equipment of 
which the award fathers could never dream of.
Today, in 2008, we invite the world to celebrate this anniversary with 
us on the bands. At the same time, we want to use this opportunity to 
include these innovations in our celebration.
In the first place it will be about radio operating, which over all 
these years has been the prerequisite for the existence of our birthday 

The WAE Marathon

August 9 - September 14, 2008

In order to allow the entire world to participate in this event, it is 
not enough to hold a party over the radio on the actual birthday. 
Therefore, the two contests that are closely related to the WAE award, 
the WAEDC CW and the WAEDC SSB, will form the timing cornerstones of our 
Marathon. Especially for our friends outside of Europe is this 
competition a good possibility to receive lots of band points for the 
WAE Marathon.

We invite you

The DARC Committee for DX and HF Contesting is the ideal host to invite 
the radio amateurs of the world to hold many contacts with their 
European partners. Participate as well, and maybe you will even go on a 
WAE expedition!

We are celebrating the anniversary with the issuance of an achievement 
certificate similar to the WAE Award in accordance with the current 
award rules.

In the 21st century, there are already many different electronic log and 
internet applications in use in amateur radio. This fact will be used 
for applying for the WAE60 Marathon as well as for the award. In 
addition, all participants will be eligible for the drawing for 
attractive prizes.

What interests the birthday guest

Marathon timing Begin: Aug. 9, 2008 0000 UTC (Begin of WAEDC CW)
End: Sept. 14, 2008 23:59 UTC (End of WAEDC SSB)
Modes all legal Amateur Radio operating modes
(Note for contest participants i.e. in RTTY contests: during this time 
frame the competition logs for the WAE Marathon can be counted)
Bands all legal Amateur Radio operating bands
Log deadline latest on Oct. 15, 2008 (deadline WAEDC SSB) per e-mail
Log formats ADIF, Cabrillo
Certificates after fulfilling of the conditions for the WAE60 (analogous 
to the WAE requirements) a notice will be sent to allow you the 
possibility to print out the certificate over the internet
Award points to the extent that a QSO from both partners is confirmed, 
it will be entered into the DCL (DARC Contest Logbook) and can be 
claimed for all WAE, EUROPA awards, EUDX und DLD.
Fees none

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