[OZ-CONTEST] [WT-support] UpdateCtySCP - A tool that automatically downloads Win-Test country files and SCP files

Joergen OZ0J / 5Q2T oz0j at oz0j.dk
Fri Jul 3 14:43:05 EDT 2015

For dem, der kører med Win-Test og il være med i IOTA testen om et par uger, har dette måske interesse.

Vy 73 de OZ0J / 5Q2T

Skype ID: onair-oz0j.dk – kun til chat !!

Fra: support-bounces at f5mzn.org [mailto:support-bounces at f5mzn.org] På vegne af Bob Wilson, N6TV
Sendt: 3. juli 2015 19:40
Til: Win-Test Reflector
Emne: [WT-support] UpdateCtySCP - A tool that automatically downloads Win-Test country files and SCP files

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 2:36 AM, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr<mailto:f6fvy at free.fr>> wrote:
To get EU005 by default for G, GM and GW stations, download and install http://download.win-test.com/files/country/CTY_IOTA.DAT in the countryFiles directory (the same where CTY.DAT stands).

Ensure also that you have a IOTA.DAT file in the same directory. If not, you can find it here http://download.win-test.com/files/country/IOTA.DAT

I've updated my Windows batch file that automatically downloads CTY_WT_MOD.DAT, MASTER.SCP, CALLSIGN.PAT, etc. to the proper locations.  It now downloads these two IOTA files, plus all of the other .DAT files located on the same web page, but only if they have changed since the last download.

To download and install the batch file:

  1.  Go to http://bit.ly/wtscripts
  2.  Download UpdateCtySCP.zip
  3.  Open the Zip file and read Readme_ctyfiles.txt for further instructions
If you have a lot of machines to update (e.g. at a multi-multi), I think you will find this batch file to be quite a time-saver, not the first time, but every time after that.

For summary info. about my other scripts, please open the Readme.txt file at http://bit.ly/wtscripts .

Bob, N6TV

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