[OZ-CONTEST] You are invited to CW Open.

Henning mail at oz1bii.dk
Wed Aug 24 14:48:40 EDT 2016

When?   3 September 2016

                             Session 1: 0000-0400 Z

                             Session 2: 1200-1600Z

                             Session 3: 2000-2400Z

                             Each session is separately logged, checked and
awarded. 3 separate contests!


Who? Open to all amateur radio operators, worldwide


Modes? CW only


Operator categories? Single operator


Power categories? HP (more than 100 watts); LP (5 watts up to 100 watts);
QRP (5 watts of less)


Use of spotting? No limitations on spotting but NO self spotting.


Exchange? QSO number + given name (e.g.  12 John).


Scoring? 1 point per QSO per band (each session); 1 multiplier for callsign
the first time it is worked (each session). Scores start at 0 for each
session. Work someone once per band per session.


Reporting? Separate logs for each session. Logs must be in Cabrillo format
and may be submitted via http://www.b4h.net/cwops/    

Paper logs are NOT accepted!


Logging? CW Open is supported by many logging programs including N1MM+
<http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php>  and UcxLog
<http://www.ucxlog.org/> . See more on www.cwops.org/cwopen.html 


Teams? Team competition is supported (see www.cwops.org/cwopen.html  for
signup). No geography limitations.


73, Alf. IT9MUO CWops#1569

CWOpen manager Region#1


Via OZ1BII Henning



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