[OZ-CONTEST] Fwd: [CQ-Contest] Highest Online Scoreboard plaques for CQ WPX CW
OZ1BII Henning
mail at oz1bii.dk
Sat May 12 15:06:24 EDT 2018
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Victor Androsov <victor.androsov at gmail.com>
Date: fre. 11. maj 2018 kl. 18.00
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Highest Online Scoreboard plaques for CQ WPX CW
To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>, UKHFContesting at groups.io Group
Moderators <UKHFContesting at groups.io>
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ContestOnlineScore.com, the real-time scoreboard for amateur
radio contesting, is establishing a special award program to encourage the
use of scoreboards during international contests. We are currently
announcing two plaques that will be available for participants in the CQ
WPX CW Contest May 26-27, 2018:
- Highest Online Scoreboard (Single operator)
- Highest Online Scoreboard (Multi-operator)
Single operator includes all power levels and assisted or
non-assisted entries. Multi-operator category includes M/S, M/2 and M/M
There is one requirement for all contenders, They are required to
actively contribute their scores to Contest Online Scoreboard
https://contestonlinescore.com during all periods of their contest activity.
The plaques winners will be awarded after official results are published
by the contest organizers. Any disqualified entries will not be eligible.
We look forward to seeing your scores on ContestOnlineScore.com during
CQ WPX CW! Information on how to post your scores during the contest
is available at https://contestonlinescore.com/blog/documents/
Victor VA2WA
[73 de OZ1BII]
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