[OZ-CONTEST] CQ Awards - Meget længe undervejs

OZ2I Henning Andresen ha at oz2i.dk
Mon Jun 29 11:54:45 EDT 2020

Jeg indsendte ansøgning om WAZ Award den 27. marts 2019 og jeg har ikke
modtaget det endnu 15 måneder efter.
Normal leveringstid skal man regne med 6 måneder.
Derfor har jeg i marts 2020 haft skrevet til WAZ award manager KC5LK og
spurgt om noget var gået galt, men han svarede tilbage at papirerne var
udfyldt og han havde sendt dem videre til CQ kontoret som står for
udstedelserne. Det samme svar fik jeg for 14 dage siden.
Nu har jeg så skrevet direkte til CQ Magazine og forhørt mig - her er

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Dear Henning,

There have been several problems with our certificates lately that seem to
be causing huge delays in shipping them to our customers.

1) We did not foresee such a huge demand for WAZ certificates when the ARRL
allowed us access to Logbook of the World, so CQ has been flooded by WAZ
certificate requests.

2) There is only one person who works on engraving the certificates,
and they have been overwhelmed with the increased demand, they also work
on our other award certificates, which has created a large backlog.

3) As we were beginning to catch up with the demand, the COVID-19 pandemic
forced us to shutdown our office for three months and we have only just
returned this week.

4) Even as we returned and began sending out certificates, there are
a number of countries that are not accepting mail from the U.S. due to
the lingering high rates of infection still ongoing in the U.S. Thus
putting another hold on outgoing foreign mail.

We are trying to catch up as fast as we can, and when the mail begins
to move again, we will send them as fast as we can.

We apologize for the long delay in getting the WAZ certificates and hope we
can start moving them as soon as possible.

Jason Feldman, KD2IWM
Managing Editor
CQ Amateur Radio

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Så hvis du går og venter på et diplom fra CQ skal du væbne dig med
Og nu kender du grunden til ventetiden.

* Vy 73 de OZ2I  Henning *

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