[OZ-CONTEST] Fwd: 2022 DX Ultra-Marathon - June update
OZ2I Henning
ha at oz2i.dk
Sun Jun 5 16:55:21 EDT 2022
Best 73 de OZ2I Henning
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Fra: True Blue DXers Club <club at tbdxc.net>
Date: søn. 5. jun. 2022 kl. 16.47
Subject: 2022 DX Ultra-Marathon - June update
To: <ha at oz2i.dk>
Goodbye Hans, welcome Peter
It is with regret that I have to announce that the former Marathon Manager,
Hans, LB6GG, has somehow gone missing. About three months ago he stopped
answering emails and went essentially incommunicado.We have made polite
inquiries with hams in his area and everything seems to be OK, which is by
far the most important thing. We has also noticed that he put his radios on
sale, and we can only guess that personal circumstances dictated a -
hopefully temporary - change of heart for amateur radio. We would like to
thank Hans for his enthusiasm and the work he has put into the launch and
early days of the 2022 Marathon. We wish him all the very best for the
Is is with great happiness, on the other hand, that I welcome veteran
Marathonian and CW QRP enthusiast Peter Ackerman, DL3NAA as the new TBDXC
Marathon Manager.
Here is how Peter describes himself: "I am 60 years old and a radio amateur
since 1978, but actually infected with the HF-bacillus much longer by my
dad, DL3II. I'm a "little pistol", but it's really fun to get my turn in a
pileup in front of a "big gun" from time to time. Other than that I love to
make nice "raw-chewing" QSOs in CW, build my own transceiver kits and from
time to time participate in a contest. I think the marathon is a great
motivation to turn on the station more often. Just as there are many
participants in the Berlin or Boston marathon and yet only a few have a
realistic chance of winning, the same should apply to the TBDXC marathon.".
Please join me in expressing our gratitude to Peter for accepting this
important role.
Peter's June Marathon update
Ok, what has happened at the marathon since the last report from Easter? We
have 8 "new“ Hams who have uploaded their intermediate results, which makes
me very happy (98 scoring callsigns now), but given the fact that we have
441 registered callsigns, I would be happy to hear from these Hams as well
how they are doing. So upload your logs, even if it's not a top score! :-)
About the individual competition classes:
Bud, AA3B has now made over 16700 QSOs (that's an average of over 110 QSOs
per day!) and leads the field in this category by a wide margin. DL1BUG,
OZ3SM and I2IFT currently occupy 2nd to 4th place and will certainly try to
stay on Bud's heels in the coming months.
This category now has 35 participants and also the ranking has changed:
Janusz, SP5JXK has taken the lead with his contest call SN5J. Janusz
already took 3rd place last year and I am sure that the "duel" with the
runner-up YO8BOH will be exciting again this year. Also the following
places show all calls, which were also last year already successfully
active in the marathon: SP7OGP, OU2I and NK4O
Unfortunately - at least so far - few Hams participate in this category,
but I am glad that there is a newcomer with Chris, G4BUE, who also
immediately took the lead sovereign. A view of its homepage
https://www.g4bue.co.uk/ is worthwhile itself, because it is very positive,
how Chris did not let take itself the fun after its removal and its parting
from a large antenna farm. He built up a provisional wire antenna and
worked with it already in a few months the DXCC in QRP. Great thing! On the
places 2 and 3 follow Peter, DL3NAA and Raimund, DL1EGR.
Jim, KL7KK passed Hannes, OE1HHB and shows that also a location in Alaska
allows very good scores. MI0BHX, IU4FLO and N1DFD, who are certainly well
known to observers of the marathon, follow in 3rd to 5th place. I find the
high proportion of Italian OMs in this category interesting. Someone seems
to have done some good advertising! :-)
Unfortunately, there hasn't been a new entry in this category since
Easter. But there is a new leader because Rubens, IU1HJF has passed George,
KM4ODS and on the 3rd and 4th places YL Heike, DC2CT and Dirk, ON3UN have
also swapped places. At number 5 is Hans, ON7AH.
Here we unfortunately still have a lonely fighter, Uli, DG4SFS. I hope
there is someone else who also likes to do QRP-SSB, because QRP and SSB are
not mutually exclusive! :-)
Thomas, KE3GK has got competition, namely Dan, K8RF, who as NP2J is the
new number one. 3rd place is Pete, MM0TWX ahead of K5ZD (since his last
upload was more than 3 months ago, I think it's quite possible that the
picture is a bit distorted, since there were quite a few contests
meanwhile...) and Jim, N6DHZ.
Augusto, IK4RQJ, is still leading the field, but Jose, EA4HKF has jumped
in in 2nd place straight away. Jose is not a "newbie" as he successfully
competed in LP/SSB last year. I am excited! :-) 3rd place at the moment is
Tom, OZ4MU (with a dream antenna!) and 4th and 5th places go to SP5UFK and
MW0CRI. Let's wait and see how this category develops!
Unfortunately still only 3 hams... :-( Guillermo, HK4KM is still first
while Juergen, DF5WW and Anthony, K8ZT have switched places. It's a pity
that the QRP categories aren't accepted as hoped.
By far the largest category with 77 participants :-), but that's simply
because everyone who takes part in the marathon at all has a place there if
they are also QRV on a WARC band. That's why it's difficult for me to
comment on this category. Pete, MM0TWX and I, DL3NAA, are clearly focusing
on WARC this year. Bud, AA3B is currently leading ahead of Pete, MM0TWX,
Lars, LB2TB, Carlos, LA9PJA and Peter, DL3NAA.
Finally, I wish you all "Good DX" and have fun with the marathon. Every QSO
contributes to the fact that CW and SSB are present on the bands and
hopefully Hams who do digital DXing, have enough opportunities to find QSO
partners in the classic operating modes too... :-)
73! Peter DL3NAA
Do upload your logs!
Please make your part in ensuring the success (and continuation) of this
initiative. As Peter says, we have hundreds of registered members on the
Marathon website (and 1,836 TBDXC members at last count) and only less than
one hundred have uploaded their results. It only takes one minute to upload
your log in ADIF format - even if you will find yourself in the lower half
of your chosen category, or perhaps last, who cares? You will have shown
interest and support for the activities of the Club, and you will have
helped sustaining the "virtuous circle" of more active participants -> more
interest -> more active participants -> more interest, and... MORE CW AND
Thank you for reading and happy CW and SSB activity to all.
TBDXC Founder and CEO
Læs mere på https://www.edr.dk/2022/06/05/tbdxc-marathon-2022/
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