[RFI] Touch lamps going crazy

W3DMB W3DMB <W3DMB@aol.com>
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 08:03:49 EDT

In a message dated 98-04-06 18:05:05 EDT, bryan@prodistributors.com writes:

<< Subj:	 [RFI] Touch lamps going crazy
 Date:	98-04-06 18:05:05 EDT
 From:	bryan@prodistributors.com (Bryan)
 Sender:	owner-rfi@contesting.com
 Reply-to:	bryan@prodistributors.com (Bryan)
 To:	rfi@contesting.com
 	Well, we got new furniture last week and the new
 credenza that went in the bedroom has a pair of touch 
 operated lamps built into it.  Really handy, all you 
 have to do is just touch the control and they go 
 low-med-high and then off. 
 	Problem is that each I time I hit key the mike 
 or key on  the TS-940 the lights go low-med-high off, low-med-
 high-off, and sequence repeats itself with each voice
 peak or every sequence on the keyer.  Not to neat when you are 
 calling the H40 at 2:30 in the morning and the lights are 
 flashing like crazy in the bedroom.
 	OK guru's....how about a fix for flashing lights??
 Bryan W5KFT >>
Well Bryan,  I also had that problem.  So I chose the easiest solution. I gave
the lamps to my brother-in-law...  He doesn't chase DX or operate contests..
So it only bothers my sister during the day.. and it's nice revenge.
Jerry ~ W3DMB

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