[RFI] Telephone RFI problem

k6ll@juno.com k6ll@juno.com
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 19:21:22 +0000

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 10:15:43 -0500 "Randy Lake" <rlake@monad.net> writes:

>Hi all......
>During the NH qso party this past weekend
>my next door neighbor,who's house is abt
>200' from the tower, called because he needed
>to make a call to his mothere and father. In
>the past he has heard me just a little bit on the
>phone but today he cud not hear anyone on
>the phone but me....So I turned off the amp
>until he left the house...
>Has anyone found a nice way to deal with this
>type of problem? He is very willing to try things!
>Filters? new phone?
>Any help wud be appreciated..
>Randy N1KWF>>

Run down to Radio Shack and buy yourself a model 43-591 phone
for $19.95 (less if on sale). This phone is highly resistant
to RFI. If it doesn't solve the problem, you can take
it back to RS.

I keep a supply of these phones on hand (for emergency loan
during contests). I always install one in my house during 
contest weekends. I usually put a large ferrite bead in the
line as additional insurance. I snip off
one of the modular plugs that comes with the 6' cord, wind as
many turns as possible on a 1/2" ID, 1" long ferrite bead, and
then reinstall a modular plug.

I either:

1. Loan them the phone for contest weekends, in response to complaints.
(One guy never brought it back, but now he's too embarassed to
complain any more about anything).

2. Offer to split the cost of the phone.

I always give them a copy of the FCC Interference Handbook, CIB-2,
which clearly describes where the responsibility lies for solving
telephone interference (at the telephone end of course).

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ


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