[RFI] Re: rfi-digest V1 #26
Hare, Ed, W1RFI
Hare, Ed, W1RFI" <ehare@arrl.org
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:53:00 -0500
>For all of you who are totally unaware of pending bill regarding local law
>enforcement taking over the FCC's role in CB cases, please refer to
The bill is quite specific. It will permit local authorities enforce FCC
law related ONLY to:
Use of high power by "CB" operators
Outband operation using CB-type equipment
It does not directly address the interference caused by high power CB, but
does address the illegal power.
When ARRL saw the first draft, we noted that it would be very easy for local
authorities to misconstrue CB and amateur radio. ARRL offered some language
changes that are now included, noting that the legislation does not apply to
any transmitter for which a license has been issued by the FCC. (Translate:
Amateur Radio).
I have mixed feelings about this one, but with the specific language about
*licensed* services, I think it will be a net win for hams; we are often
blamed for the problems caused by the high-power 11-meter operator.
73 from ARRL HQ,
Ed Hare, W1RFI
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