[RFI] Line Noise

thomas@cybrzn.com thomas@cybrzn.com
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 08:23:54 -0600

To All:

Wondering if anybody has experience locating noise generated by power
I have a nasty s5 noise level on 10,15 & 20 mtrs. This noise is present
24 hours per day, and I can peak it with my beam in a specific
direction. It is worst when weather conditions are dry, and will
disappear completely when weather is wet. The power company has been out
here at least 5 times, and they claim they have checked out a 10 mile
radius. As far as they are concerned, the case is closed and they have
refused to do anything further. I have tried walking the lines with a
transistor AM radio, but I seem to get noise all along, and unable to
pinpoint it to any particular location. To top it off, it is worst at a
beam heading of 45 degrees! Not good for a contester.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tearing my hair out,
Tom Hellem K0SN
Porterfield, Wi.

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