[RFI] RFI Panasonic KX F700 Fax

George Johnson George Johnson <geo.johnson@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:32:27 -0400

I am experiencing significant RFI from my 20m SSB signal
into neighbors' Panasonic KX F700 and F780 fax machines. 
The interference can be heard in the headset WITHOUT THE
PHONE LINE CONNECTED and when the unit is powered from a 12v
storage battery and small inverter.  The units are located
in different residences about 150-200 ft from a yagi antenna
running about 700w output.

I was prepared with Radio Shack telephone filters and AC
line filters but I am stumped with the EMI problem with the
phone line disconnected. It sounds like direct pickup
through the plastic cases into 'something'. I can't find a
number to call Panasonic without a simply getting a
recording to call another number that is always busy.

I need to find a 'next step'.  Any ideas or experience out
there???  Any Panasonic tech numbers I could try??

George W1ZT

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