[RFI] Snap on split beads; coax high-pass filter recommendations
Charles T Johnston
Charles T Johnston" <ctj92@primenet.com
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:49:00 -0700
I have had great success with low-cost band pass filters from InDuComm. They
have been low-cost and very effective. They also sell a full line of TVI
related filters which I have had no reason so far to try. Based on my
experience with their band pass line of filters you might want to check them
out. I have a link to their site on my webpage on the ' Ham Radio Links'
page. BTW I totally cured my in home TVI ( on cable) with 2 of the Radio
Shack snap-on ferrites placed on the cable right at the TV set. Now I can run
800W on any HF band and my wife watching TV doesn't even know I am on the air
even though she is in the next room from the shack. They really worked great.
Hope this helps....
Charles T Johnston - AB7SL
Charles' Ham Radio Pages
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr@contesting.com>
To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 11:23 AM
Subject: [RFI] Snap on split beads; coax high-pass filter recommendations
> At a hamfest a couple of months ago, a guy was selling some neat split
> ferrite beads. The idea is a little like the snap-on rectangular ferrites
> that Radio Shack et al were selling, except that these involve a split bead
> 1/2-3/4" long enclosed in a plastic shell that can be snapped open and
> closed. He had 2 sizes, for different sized cable. Does anyone know of an
> economical source for these? Strikes me it would be really handy to bring
> a bag of them along on my next RFI-hunting project, because they would let
> me assess and maybe cure lead pickup without ever having to disconnect any
> of the neighbor's wires.
> Second topic -- I'm looking for recommendations on a high-pass filter for
> 75-ohm TV leadin. I have one neighbor who is not on cable, and with my
> antennas pointing toward him he has moderate fundamental overload TVI but
> (thank goodness) no telephone or other RFI. What do people think is the
> most cost-effective high-pass unit out there? The best at any (reasonable)
> cost?
> 73, Pete Smith N4ZR
> n4zr@contesting.com
> Sometimes a tower is just a tower
> --
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