[RFI] Mystery buzz 1.7 to 2.0 MHz
Jim K9WIE <janke005@tc.umn.edu>
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:24:33 -0600
A few weeks ago I noticed a strong buzz (60 Hz?) that covered the whole 160
meter band, although stronger at the top end. It has remained constant ever
since, no matter what time of day or day of week.
It peaks at 2.015 and steadily decreases in strength on either side. I can
hear it weakly on my AM car radio at 1.710 and, it is much weaker at 2.330
(the upper limit of my 160 coverage on my TenTec OMNI). I have an old
Zenith TransOceanic that detects it weakly at 3.400. I can't hear it at
3470 on the OMNI; nor can I hear it on 80 to 10.
I have turned off the main breaker in my house after disconnecting all
devices with battery back up. After waiting 10 minutes, the Zenith picked
up the buzz as strong as ever. The noise appears to be coming from the
area of the four houses at the end of a cul-du-sac on the next street south.
But I don't know what type of device that would emit a buzz like this that
covers this relatively small range of frequencies at the low end of the HF
spectrum. I'd like some ideas before I start asking my neighbors if they
have added any new electrical devices.
Any experiences with this type of noise? Your thoughts, ideas, etc. please.
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