[RFI] Snap on split beads; coax high-pass filter recommendations

Charles T Johnston Charles T Johnston" <ctj92@primenet.com
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:31:41 -0700

> The material though in the split ferrites and so forth that you can buy from
> Radio Shack are not type 43.  They are designed more for attenuating VHF
> energy which would probably make them type 61 or 68 material.

I had great success eliminating TVI in my home ( on a cable TV system) by
placing 2 of the Radio Shack snap-on ferrites at the RG59 coax input to the
TV.  Prior to that I was unable to run 15M or 17M without very noticeable TVI.

Where did you get the specs on the Radio Shack ferrites?

Charles T Johnston - AB7SL

Charles' Ham Radio Pages

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