[RFI] Interference in the Power Supply

csilver@serpro.gov.br csilver@serpro.gov.br
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:29:04 -0300

Dear friends,

I bought an Astron Power Supply, model RS-70M. However when I turn on the  amplifier on 80
meters with at least 400w the power supply stop working and I need to wait a couple of
seconds to turn it on again.  Two things:

1) This problem happens with the Astron only...I have also a Kenwood PS52 and it works ok
with the amp on.

2) It happens only on 80 meters....In other bands I can operate with 1kw without problems.

It sounds for me that the excessive RF on 80 meters is activating the Astron Power Supply
protection circuit.....But how can I fix it??

73 and thanks
Carlos PT2HO / PY1CAS

ps. My rig is an Icom IC746, my amplifier is an Ameritron AL80B (1kw pep) and the antenna
is a low dipole for 80.

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