[RFI] Cable TV

K3AIR@aol.com K3AIR@aol.com
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:56:12 EST

In a message dated 1/22/99 8:42:06 AM EST, k9huh@icss.net writes:

>  all of a sudden they started finding leaks....We found leaks in old coax
>  within homes...We found leaks in splitters(radio shack ones are great
>  for this)..

CATV system leaks are common everywhere.  One of the cable companies
in this area has a number of hams working for them and we've run several
tests.  We found that the "standard" splitters RS sells are in some cases
quite leaky; however, the "gold" series ones they sell are pretty tight.
They are much preferable.

73, Mike K3AIR

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