[RFI] Ferrites???

mystc mystc" <mystc@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 23 Jan 1999 13:29:49 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: daniel wright <djw@unlinfo.unl.edu>
To: rfi@contesting.com <rfi@contesting.com>
Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 8:09 AM
Subject: [RFI] Ferrites???

>I am newly subscribed to this list and in the past few days
>have seen no messages. Maybe the traffic is slow right now.
>Anyhoo....I am in the process of trying to get the RFI out
>of my and the neighbor's TV sets. We are both on cable and
>I am having limited success with the two different Radio Shack
>ferrite cores. Is there anything better out there? I need to
>use them on the power cables and the cable TV cable. If I
>don't have any success soon, I will be back on this reflector
>lookin' for more HELP! Thanks es
>73 de Dan -- WA0JRD ..

A very simple and effective way to eliminate MOST cable RFI is as follows...
Attach a 75-300 ohm balun to the incomming cable at the rear of the
set...take another 75-300 ohm balun, and ..attach the 2 leads to the 2 leads
you just ended up with, and you are back to 75 ohms....this isolates the
shield, which is the source of most RFI (common mode).
Top it off with a 75 ohm hi-pass filter to the set. Sounds simple, but the
baluns are ferrite torroidal and the hi-pass filter adds an extra measure of
harmonic protection. All parts are available at Radio Shack and are

DE, Jim

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