[RFI] Garage Door Opening transmitting on 40m

Dan Violette KI6X Dan Violette KI6X" <danki6x@pacbell.net
Sat, 23 Jan 1999 18:51:08 -0800

I have gone through this.  I disconnected the remote open switch at the 
opener.  The problem went away so toroids at the opener end of this 
cable worked fine.  With the newer openers, the cord to the safety 
switch/light may also bring in the RF.  Anything connected can bring it 
in.  I also use toroids on the A/C line because it is a GFCI and was 
popping off with RF.  

Dan KI6X

Date sent:      	Fri, 22 Jan 1999 21:11:33 -0600
From:           	"michael w. elliott" <kq0b@sprintmail.com>
To:             	rfi@contesting.com
Subject:        	[RFI] Garage Door Opening transmitting on 40m
> I have a neighbor complaining about his garage door openning attributes
> me as the cause  .. oh well gess there no one else to blame as my tower
> is only 40 or so feet from his house.

> Has anyone else experience this problem with garage door openner being
> affected by rfi ???
> What was your solution to cure the prob.
> It is strange as no one else is having this prob and I do not 
> experience it with my door openner.
> I have given him solutions to resolving as follows:
> 1. change the access code on unit as well as the remote controller
> 2. check to see if it is properly grounded
> 3. contact the manufacturer for any know cures
> 4. use a ferrite 
> 5. try an ac filter
> 6. make sure the wall electrical connection is good
> Never ran into this before so any help in steering me the right way
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> KQ0B
> Mike

-- Dan Violette    Amateur Radio: KI6X   E-mail: danki6x@pacbell.net --

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