[Fwd: [RFI] MOBILE RFI KILLS ENGINE of 1998 Rodeo]
Blackburn <blackburn@qnet.com>
Wed, 07 Jul 1999 20:25:42 -0700
For some reason, this didn't get posted. Lets try again...
> Hi,
> Got a couple things that might help. I haven't operated HF mobile in a number
> of years, but have some experience with RFI problems with HF radios on aircraft.
> First, remember that the vehicle body & frame is the antenna counterpoise, so
> there will be RF currents flowing in the body and structure equal to the RF
> current flowing in the antenna, regardless of what you do to the antenna. The
> trick here is to make the current flow in such a way that it doesn't upset the
> automobile electronics.
> First, make sure all the body & frame sections are well bonded at RF, and the
> feedline shield termination at the antenna feed point is well bonded to the
> body. This means low-impedance connections, i.e. wide flat straps at multiple
> locations across any joints that aren't welded together. The idea is to make
> the RF impedance of the automobile structure lower than the RF impedance of the
> automobile wiring. RF currents will distribute among the various paths, with
> the largest current in the lowest impedance path. If the lowest impdance
> happens to be engine controller wiring (or wiring routed with the engine
> controller wiring) because the body is not well bonded, you'll have lots of
> problems.
> Fiberglass bodies are problematic. I once had a mostly fiberglass pop-up camper
> on a Toyota chassis, and in order to get the mobile to work at all I ended up
> having to run a loop of large guage wire all the way around the perimeter of the
> bottom of the camper, & bond it to the frame at a number of points.
> If you can get to the engine controller wiring, you might also try a common-mode
> choke. A number of snap-on ferrite cores in series (they don't necessarily have
> to be adjacent) will increase the common-mode impedance of the wire bundle and
> encourage the RF to flow elsewhere. You'll need some number of cores...one or
> two don't do much at HF. Start with six or eight cores or whatever fits & see
> if that helps...you may need to add more depending on the characteristics of the
> cores. If you can physically get to the wiring, you should be able to add the
> cores without violating the vehicle warrantee. If the antenna control cable is
> an RF path, you might also try adding a common-mode choke near where the control
> cable exits the antenna. Either a number of snap-on cores in series, or a
> number of turns through a single large core should help.
> Finally, make sure the wiring associated with the radio and antenna is dressed
> as close to metallic body panels as possible. This will help reduce coupling
> between the wiring and RF fields.
> Hope this helps...let me know if you're successful.
> 73,
> Keith KB6B
> K3AIR@aol.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 7/2/99 11:07:24 PM EST, wa3gin@erols.com writes:
> >
> > >
> > > Even though the antenna is matched and resonated it appears there is
> > > significant RF on the control cable. Tomorrow I will install an RF
> > > isolator on the coax feed to the FT-900 transceiver.
> > > I will also install a brute force line filter on the power leads in an
> > > effort to reduce RF from entering
> > > the control cable. Third I will re-route the control cable as I've
> > > discovered the cable runs very close
> > > to the main engine computer which may be the reason the engine stalls.
> > >
> > > Suggestions welcome,
> > > dave
> > > WA3GIN
> > >
> > Hi Dave,
> >
> > I had a similar problem with my FT900 and Ford Taurus wagon. I had the
> > transceiver in the cargo area and the control head up front and finally gave
> > up
> > that idea and mounted the whole radio on the hump. Problem I still have is
> > I can't tune my screwdriver on 10m because RF gets into the 12VDC power
> > leads that go to the antenna. Drives the thing crazy, gives me all kinds of
> > wierd SWR readings (flat when I'm powering the antenna but infinite when I
> > stop!), etc. Still trying to find a cure for that, but still works great on
> > the other
> > bands.
> >
> > 73, Mike K3AIR
> >
> > --
> > Submissions: rfi@contesting.com
> > Administrative requests: rfi-REQUEST@contesting.com
> > WWW: http://www.contesting.com/rfi-faq.html
> > Questions: owner-rfi@contesting.com
Submissions: rfi@contesting.com
Administrative requests: rfi-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW: http://www.contesting.com/rfi-faq.html
Questions: owner-rfi@contesting.com