[RFI] RE: Automatic Light Noise ....

Mason, Ken R Mason, Ken R" <ken.r.mason@intel.com
Wed, 5 May 1999 08:31:21 -0700

Hello Skip,

I have noise on 2M with 2 stacked yagi's. The antennas allowed me to look at
a specific direction. The noise was heard in a 90 degree area where a peak
could easily be found. After that I put the radio in the car. Now I need to
check in detail but I don't want to snoop around his property. He is running
on-at-dusk flood lights using 4 incadesant 75W? flood lights, which I expect
to be the problem.

Controller or .22 Hmmmmm.....

mailto:ken.r.mason@intel.com Work
mailto:krmason@jps.net Home

-----Original Message-----
From: SCAMERON [mailto:SCAMERON@prodigy.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 4:11 AM
To: ken.r.mason@intel.com
Subject: Re: rfi-digest V2 #17

Can't offer ay advice, but need to trace a noise north of my QTH.
It's on HF bands, most noticeable on 3.5-4 mhz, only at night or early
How did you trace yours?
Skip W5GAI
Austin, TX

> Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:06:49 -0700
> From: "Mason, Ken R" <ken.r.mason@intel.com>
> Subject: [RFI] Automatic Light Noise .....
> Hello All,
> I have found my noise source. It is a Automatic Light that is about 1/4
> away. The house owner has 4 flood lights that come on in the evening. I'm
> 2M weak signal operator. Near dusk the noise level goes from 0 to about
> S2/S3 at 5:00 PM. It fades away at about 10:00 PM. There are no street
> lights here. My main problem is the noise source is at the angle to talk
> Los Angles 400 miles away.
> What is the best way to cure the noise problem? Have him turn it off? Give
> him a new controller? Line filter?
> I'm sure I will need to prove that the lights are the noise source. I'll
> have to dig up my AM broadcast radio. The noise is a sharp nasty arcing
> sound....
> 73,
> Ken
> mailto:ken.r.mason@intel.com Work
> mailto:krmason@jps.net Home
> http://www.qsl.net/kc6teu/
> http://home.earthlink.net/~kmcm/
> ------------------------------
> End of rfi-digest V2 #17
> ************************

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