R: [RFI] Doppler DF
Maurizio Panicara
Maurizio Panicara" <i4jmy@iol.it
Sat, 8 May 1999 13:08:30 +0200
I doubt, doppler direction finding is generally used to point a signal
source from a moving environment.
Doppler technique can be applied to coherent and narrowband signals and most
of the times noise hasn't this features.
Mauri I4JMY
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Kelly Boswell <kboswell@aetn.org>
A: rfi@contesting.com <rfi@contesting.com>
Data: venerd́ 7 maggio 1999 2.09
Oggetto: [RFI] Doppler DF
>This month's issue of QST includes the first of two articles about
>building a direction-finding unit which makes use of Doppler shift. Has
>anyone tried using one of these for locating RFI causes??
>Will it or won't it..
>(Yeah, I know, "only the hairdresser knows for sure"). < grin>
>73 de Kelly, KA5MGL
>Submissions: rfi@contesting.com
>Administrative requests: rfi-REQUEST@contesting.com
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>Questions: owner-rfi@contesting.com
Submissions: rfi@contesting.com
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Questions: owner-rfi@contesting.com