[RFI] Noise Locator

EDWARDS, EDDIE J EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards@oppd.com
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:19:43 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Dave Bowker [SMTP:dbowker@mail.sjv.net]
> A bibliography at http://www.contesting.com/_rfi/9801/0010.html provides a
> wealth of info on locating power line interference and associated
> equipment.
> 73, Dave, K1FK
> Fort Kent, ME
	[Ed-K0iL]  That's quite an extensive listing!  Tnx very much for the
info Dave.

	I spotted Marv Loftness' name on quite a few IEEE articles.  Marv is
KB7KK.  One book not on the listing (or I missed it) is Marv's book "AC
Power Interference Manual" published by Percival Publishing in Tumwater, WA.
I ordered this book from Radar Engineers in Portland, OR, who makes some of
the equipment I mentioned in my posting.  I haven't read it cover to cover
like I have Nelson's book, but it does have some good stuff too!

	de ed -K0iL

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