[RFI] Noise DR

kmarch kmarch" <kmarch@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 12:37:21 -0800

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I've reached the point with neighbors noise where I have to build a =
noise direction finding antenna.  The intent is to walk around the local =
area carrying a DR set up to find out from which residence the noise =
that is QRMing me originates.  Before I knock on a door I wnat to be =
certain I have the right place so I don't waste a silver bullet. This is =
primarily low band stuff 160 and 80 M.  It sounds like one of these new =
SCR controlled lamps that spits out junk several mhZ wide and varing in =
freq peak and intensity.  Doesn't show up much on higher frequencies. =
Can someone recommend a DR device that will give me enough ability to =
track down noise?  Is a ferrite rod set-up sensitive enough or is a loop =
better for detecting small noises?  Pre-amps required? Ideas?  Bob

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<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I've reached the point with =
neighbors noise=20
where I have to build a noise direction finding antenna.&nbsp; The =
intent is to=20
walk around the local area carrying a DR set up to find out from which =
the noise that is QRMing me originates.&nbsp; Before I knock on a door I =
wnat to=20
be certain I have the right place so I don't waste a silver bullet. This =
primarily low band stuff 160 and 80 M.&nbsp; It sounds like one of these =
new SCR=20
controlled lamps that spits out junk several mhZ wide and varing in freq =
and intensity.&nbsp; Doesn't show up much on higher frequencies. Can =
recommend a DR device that will give me enough ability to track down=20
noise?&nbsp; Is a ferrite rod set-up sensitive enough or is a loop =
better for=20
detecting small noises?&nbsp; Pre-amps required? Ideas?&nbsp;=20


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