[RFI] A BUZZ on 160!

Pete Smith Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com>
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 06:46:02 -0500

At 12:22 AM 12/2/00 -0500, Michael D. Brown wrote:
>I've sure been down this street a couple of times myself.
>I had it on all the lower hf bands (40/80/160) and it is
>really a pain. My son works in the computer field, and
>told me what cases they use, so I tried one and that
>fixed the problem. They are not cheap, but to me well
>worth the money.  The name of the company is Antec,
>and the web address is:
>http://www.antec-inc.com/

There have been messages on other reflectors about this.  In some cases,
cheap clone power supplies are being built without line filters.  Digi-key
and Mouser have relatively inexpensive filters for this specific
application that fit right into the case.  I wasn't aware that W3NQN made
an AC line filter, but that could be a really good solution too.  Ed's
stuff is great.

Finally, if it should happen to be direct radiation, the cases made by PC
Power and Cooling have excellent shielding properties and are nice

73, Pete N4ZR

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