[RFI] Assistance identifying 80m noise
Cortland Richmond
Cortland Richmond <ka5s@earthlink.net>
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:41:21 -0800
Your 67 KHz spacing sounds like a high-resolution monitor or a switching
power supply.
Kris Mraz N5KM wrote:
> The noise is a raspy buzz that starts at the low end of 80m and
> repeats every 67 khz up past 4000 khz. I've recently put up a
As for the below, well, these gadgets didn't go away just because we got
a promise from one manufacturer to change frequencies. I've heard one
carrier as far as 10 miles from its location. But they do NOT repeat at
67 KHz spacing; they're fairly pure 80 meter signals.
> Note, I'm currently hearing multiple wireless modem buzzes/
> carriers between 3514 an 3550 Khz. Have any of the above listed
> possibilities been known to have harmonics every 67 khz? I know
> the wireless modems have quite a range. How far can the other two
> devices radiate?
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