[RFI] Noise Search
Ed - K0iL
Ed - K0iL <k0il@uswest.net>
Sun, 8 Oct 2000 20:42:18 -0500
On Sunday, 08 October, 2000 5:05 PM, kmarch [SMTP:kmarch@ix.netcom.com]
> One of the noises that I am going to search and destroy has a particular
> characteristic. I wonder if anyone has an idea of what it could be. The
> noise is a series of modulated (garbage) about 3 or 4 kHz wide and spaced
> about 30 kHz across the spectrum. The noise is always on, late at night,
> hrs. Once in a while the noise changes. It becomes stronger and is then
> spaced every 47 kHz across the spectrum. It stays that way for an hour
> two, then reverts back to the normal 30 kHz spacing. It is stringest low
> frequency (80M), can't be heard on 160M, but can be heard up to 15 M.
> anyone run into that kind of noise? ( This is noise number 3 of the 5 I
> tracking, most of which are broad band.) Thanks, Bob
Could be noise from a nearby switching power supply in a TV or computer
monitor. My Sony XBR TV from 1989 put out a terrific noise in the pattern
you described. But only when the TV is on! I just bought a new TV,
Panasonic. No noise!
You said it was late at night and 24 hrs per day. Is it stronger at night?
But always there to some degree? Have you tried shutting down everything
in your house to see if it's inside? With the rig on battery. try throwing
the breakers one at a time and checking if it's still there or not. Once
you know it's outside, time to go DFing! GL!
de ed -K0iL
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Ed Edwards -- K0iL
PO Box 375 k0il@arrl.net
Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375 k0il@qsl.net
496-3415 home 552-5425 work 552-5505 fax
Visit my web site: http://www.qsl.net/k0il
or HDXA's web site: http://www.qsl.net/hdxa
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