[RFI] HF SSB RFI on CATV Sound Only!

David Rich David Rich <kg0us@swbell.net>
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 23:08:17 -0600

My neighbor came by for a visit during the CQWW phone contest.  My
transmitter was interfering with the sound on his RCA big screen TV.  He
said that he gets interference on two other small portable TVs in the
house.  He said he generally does not mind because I am not on for long
periods of time but I was on for a long time during the weekend and he
wanted to watch the Sunday football game.  He is on CATV and the
interference only effects the sound and not the picture.  I inspected
his TV while my licensed wife transmitted on around 28.400 MHz and sure
enough the picture was not effected but you could hear the garbled sound
of SSB in the speaker.  I reduced the transmitter power from 150 watts
to 75 watts and the sound level was reduced but not eliminated.  My
television connected to a outside antenna works fine while I transmit.

Do you think a common mode choke on the cable where it connects to the
TV might help to reduce the interference?

I do hear a carrier on 145.25 and sound on 149.75 with my HT so perhaps
there is a cable leak somewhere.


Dave KG0US

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