[RFI] A description of my RFI problem - help solicited

John Pelham John Pelham" <john@radiophile.com
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 14:02:02 -0400

I've got a noise problem, and although I perhaps haven't done enough legwork
yet to be writing responsibly to this reflector, I thought I'd give a shot
with a description to see if anyone's run across this type of thing.
(Anyway, this reflector sure has been quiet lately.)

Actually there are (at least) two noise sources.  But they have similar
characteristics.  They sound, on AM, just like an electrical arc.  Buzzing,
with an ac-hum component plus higher harmonics.  With a product detector,
they sound more like higher pitched buzzing or hissing.

One of the noises affects primarily 6M, but is audible on 10 and 15.  The
other affects primarily 10M and 15M.  The noises come and go independently,
but are most often present on dry days.  They were a real problem during the
dry winter, and are present less often now that the summer humidity has
kicked in here in Georgia. They are never present when it's raining,
although they can be present (very seldom) when it's drizzling. They are
never present late at night, dry or wet, but they can be present in early
evening when it hasn't been dark for too long.

Also, the noises seem to be more prevalent when the band conditions are
good, but that's gotta be my imagination!

I would think that the above paragraph would indicate that the source is
outside, and I would think probably it's power line noise, but my reading
indicates that power line noise gets stronger at lower frequencies.  These
noises are not audible below 20M.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I've done some limited investigating, but I
thought I'd keep this first e-mail short.  I'd be glad to go into more
detail about my noise problem; just ask me!

73, John W1JA
Suwanee, GA

John Pelham
E-mail   john@radiophile.com
Antique radio Web site   http://www.radiophile.com

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